The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA)  applies to all 515 groundwater basins and subbasins in California.  However, only the 94 high and medium priority basins are required to develop sustainability plans.  Although the Spadra Basin is a very low priority basin, the Spadra GSA secured a 2017 Proposition 1 Sustainable Groundwater Planning Grant in the amount of $338,500.  Recognizing the benefits of completing the GSP, and to take advantage of the grant funding available, the Spadra GSA and its member agencies elected to move forward with completing the GSP.

View DWR Grant


The Spadra GSA, through the Walnut Valley Water District, has contracted with Wildermuth Environmental, Inc. to prepare the GSP. The scope of work required to develop the GSP involves:

  • Spadra Subbasin Model Development: Development and calibration of a groundwater-flow model of the subbasin.

  • Spadra Optimization Study: Develop and compare optimization scenarios that represent the coordinated actions of the pumpers and new infrastructure.

  • GSP Development: Prepare final GSP based on SGMA and DWR requirements. Address comments from public review and modify the GSP if necessary. Coordinate the final GSP for adoption by the GSA.

View Wildermuth Contract


The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA)  applies to all 515 groundwater basins and subbasins in California.  However, only the 94 high and medium priority basins are required to develop sustainability plans.  Although the Spadra Basin is a very low priority basin, the Spadra GSA secured a 2017 Proposition 1 Sustainable Groundwater Planning Grant in the amount of $338,500.  Recognizing the benefits of completing the GSP, and to take advantage of the grant funding available, the Spadra GSA and its member agencies elected to move forward with completing the GSP.

View DWR Grant


The Spadra GSA, through the Walnut Valley Water District, has contracted with Wildermuth Environmental, Inc. to prepare the GSP. The scope of work required to develop the GSP involves:

  • Spadra Subbasin Model Development: Development and calibration of a groundwater-flow model of the subbasin.

  • Spadra Optimization Study: Develop and compare optimization scenarios that represent the coordinated actions of the pumpers and new infrastructure.

  • GSP Development: Prepare final GSP based on SGMA and DWR requirements. Address comments from public review and modify the GSP if necessary. Coordinate the final GSP for adoption by the GSA.

View Wildermuth Contract